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2023 Market Trends in the Security Industry

Our latest eBook breaks down the trends we can expect to see in the Security industry in 2022. The eBook is also available for download.

This eBook is also available to download.

Section 1: Introduction

What is the Security Industry?

The security industry consists of those providing security services or selling and making goods for security purposes. The largest part of this industry is those licensed to provide security services and those managing those services. Additionally, the security industry includes groups that govern security agencies, services, and products.

What is the need for Security companies?

Security services are crucial in keeping people safe in public spaces. Security personnel are in charge of ensuring that schools, office complexes, shopping malls, and more operations run smoothly and safely. While Security guards provide services that some compare to police officers, it is critical to distinguish between the two. In these vast, congested locations, both are vital to public wellbeing. Security guards are present to prevent crimes such as shoplifting, violence, or break-ins from occurring in the first place. Their primary job is not to respond to crime threats in the absence of law enforcement, but to dissuade it simply by being present. Criminals are less likely to attack a location with engaged, active security officers. However, if a crime is committed or an issue grows, they are trained to intercede until the police come.

When you consider that the primary purpose of a security agency is to prevent problems from occurring in the first place, their job becomes evident. Resultantly, security guards are the nucleus to the security industry, and hence have certain responsibilities and skills required to be developed. The duties that a security guard is required to fulfill are:

  • Visibility: Be Seen
  • Vigilant: Be ‘On The Lookout’
  • Reflexes and Response: Be Quick
  • Monitoring and Maintaining Order: Be Responsible

What tasks do Security Guards fulfill?

Security guards typically do the following:

  • Patrol property
  • Enforce rules and regulations of an employer’s property
  • Monitor alarms and video-surveillance systems
  • Respond to emergencies
  • Deter criminal activity
  • Control building access by employees and visitors
  • Conduct security checks over a specified area
  • Write reports on what they observed while on duty

Security is more important now than ever. Why?

The Wall Street Journal published an article in 2020 discussing the spike in commercial burglaries in New York amidst business closures due to Coronavirus Emergency Measures. New York Times published an article in September 2021, about the rise in Murder rate in 2020. Ever since the state of emergency was declared by WHO regarding the COVID pandemic, safety has become the world’s number one priority. Unfortunately, countries like the United States saw a surge in 2 different issues: COVID cases and Violence. While the former issue can be resolved through rigorous medical research and vaccine production and distribution, the solution for the latter issue is dependent on various factors including the pandemic. Before getting into the effect of the pandemic on the crime rate, let’s understand why the current crime rate is calling for increased security services.

How Crime Rate is affecting the Security Industry

The two graphs show a surprising result. Since 2001, the actual crime rate in the United States has been decreasing yet the perception of the U.S population believes that the crime rate is increasing every year. However, this is understandable. The article by FiveThirtyEight gives an insight about the current challenge Americans are facing. The key points from the article are:

  • Humans are terrible in estimating the risk of crime, largely due to the rise in anxiety in the current population over lack of political uncertainty.
  • Crime is the U.S population’s greatest misleading fear that exists because the understanding of ‘crime rate’ itself is unclear.
  • People look beyond the stipulated data to make decisions about their safety, and consequently overestimate crime in their neighborhood as a result of availability bias.

Whether or not the actual crime is increasing, security services are becoming more and more essential to the U.S population. The reasons for having security services go far beyond crime. Businesses are currently seeking security services for various purposes such as:

  • Ensuring customers and staff are following appropriate social distancing practices
  • Safeguard employees and customers in outdoor pickup areas.

A report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the increasing employment of security guards since 2010. The unemployment rate for security guards has never been lower, with the unemployment rate reaching under 5 % by 2019. Consequently, the crime rate might be decreasing, but the need for security services is still very much essential.

Section 2: The effect of the pandemic on the Security industry

The pandemic has cost businesses millions of dollars and has left countries in a recessionary state. Some industries have coped up from the pandemic, while some haven’t. A report by IBISWorld gives an update regarding the effect of the pandemic on the industry. To summarize, these are the following points that they share:

  • The coronavirus pandemic had a mixed impact on security industry performance, causing decreased demand in certain markets and stronger demand in others.
  • For instance, demand for industrial services from airports, schools, and event venues fell in 2020. Demand for hospitals and health-care services, on the other hand, grew.
  • Revenue in the business is likely to climb when schools reopen and people return to work. Furthermore, revenue growth will almost probably be aided by rising corporate earnings and an increase in the number of businesses.

Effect on the Security Industry

The effect of the pandemic on the industry can be clearly seen through this bar chart, which depicts the change in the size of the market since 2011. Fortunately, this effect has been mitigated by most security companies as the demand for the service only decreased for a short period of time. Moreover, security businesses in North America have managed to sustain their demand due to various reasons, such as the ones mentioned earlier.

How are the security companies coping with the pandemic?

Security industries have set out many operations with IT professionals and are looking out to deply the best and most effective technology solutions that will help them secure and scale their operations. Remarkably, the companies have found effective solutions to ensure security to businesses and consumers. These solutions, provided by the Security Magazine, give an insight into how security companies will cope with the pandemic at least in the near future.

Interactive monitoring : 

Interactive monitoring systems, which include live video and two-way audio capabilities, allow qualified security professionals to see, hear, and speak with employees 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This system ensures both staff safety and the security of the property. Remote operators can use virtual guard services to connect to live audio and video feeds and scan the location for any potential threat at any time of day or night, much like an on-premises security guard. This keeps an eye on shuttered locations as well as critical organizations with increased activity, alerting potential bad actors to the fact that protection is always present. If a threat is detected, a qualified, live expert will respond instantly by assessing the situation and intervening with live audio. Police will be dispatched as needed.

Automated and customized voice down message services:

Some of the most critical problems faced by security guards can also be addressed through automated and customized voice down message systems. Using an organization’s existing speaker system, they can be programmed to educate customers and staff of proper social distancing and/or food safety practices throughout the day.

Video Verified Alarms:

Video verified alarms, which combine a basic alarm system with video, are another effective solution that can have a significant impact on organizations. In cases of any burglary or other criminal activity, the video verified alarms systems get notified immediately, allowing private security guards and the businesses to get to the site faster. This system can help save security companies much time in comparison to the traditional burglar alarms. Private security firms, as a result, can better prevent such crime from taking place under their watch. Subsequently, Video verified alarms have the potential to save businesses hundreds or thousands of dollars in false alarm costs as well as valuable police time.

Video Surveillance Systems:

Another security problem that all vital organizations face is cash and inventory loss or shrinkage. Solutions such as point-of-sale exception reporting linked with video surveillance systems help to restrict these theft prospects. They allow loss prevention personnel to swiftly spot irregularities and detect and prevent shrink.As a result, top violators can be easily identified among thousands of staff handling millions of transactions.

Remote Auditing:

Remote auditing is another useful approach for ensuring that operations are running smoothly and that people are adhering to proper protocols. In this scenario, audit professionals evaluate monetary transactions, employee productivity, and, notably in these times, safety compliance and cleanliness. By identifying important issue areas and delivering actionable insights through graphic reports, a periodic remote audit can help reduce shrink and boost employee efficiency. Remote audits can also ensure that people are not overflowing and crowding together at a shopping center, or that tables in restaurants are not too close together. This is particularly useful as businesses start to open up with full capacity.

Artificial Intelligence

Security companies are aiming at intelligent video technology to help them respond to this pandemic. Thermal Imaging and AI are at the heart of this revolution. Claimed as a ‘multidimensional approach to perception’, Ai brings out solutions that are going to completely digitalize the security of private data as well as assist security guards with integrated security devices and systems with multiple sensors. An article by TechRepublic said “AI will soon be everywhere”, and they couldn’t be more accurate about that.

Where does this lead to for Security Guards?

AI technology might seem to be the future for most industries, and the security industry is likely to suffer in some aspects and improve in others, as mentioned above. However, the pandemic has shown the world something which otherwise would have been difficult to notice: Security Guards, like their own employers, face COVID-19 Head-On.

The near shutdown of the service industry has contracted demand for security guards at events and hotels, which has allowed companies to seek alternative solutions to sustain. Fortunately, this contracted demand in these sectors has been balanced by increased demand for security guards at grocery retail chains, medical facilities, essential businesses, and temporarily dormant buildings.

With the likely prediction of events and hospitality businesses returning to normal in 2022, security companies and guards are looking forward to a more profitable year. It is impossible to forget the resilience that security guards have shown throughout this pandemic, by being on the front lines along with our healthcare workers and hence deserve recognition for the work that they’re doing.

The National Association of Security Companies stated that private security officers are “on the front line everywhere in maintaining public order and security in the current crisis,”. They also emphasized, “the essential service role played by security officers and the essential business role played by private security companies cannot be overstated, nor overlooked.”. It’s clear that security guards, whether there is demand for them or not, will always be recognized for their courage and consequently fight for every penny. This brings us to the next question, How does the security industry endure the competition from high-tech security systems?

How does the security industry endure the competition from high-tech security systems in 2022?

Fortunately, implementing high-tech security systems is not as easy as one might think. Security companies that run on providing security services in the form of guards as physical security don’t require to worry about AI and other high-tech security systems unless the clients specifically request a change. As a result, It’s important to remember that security companies can only control so much. No matter how much demand for security services has changed, there are always ways to respond smartly. Three of them are as follows:


Good communication is more important than ever in corporate operations. Security guard firms must ensure that management, guards, and clients communicate clearly and openly. Because of the large quantity of disinformation circulating about COVID-19, you must be extremely cautious with your language.

It is critical for management to set a good example in order to keep guards and clients calm. Communicate simply the facts to employees and the general public in a calm and unambiguous manner. The necessity of safety is really important in this situation. In compliance with government requirements, communication should be done as distantly as possible.

Remote communication is not only the safest option, but it may also produce unexpectedly great consequences for businesses. In times of crisis, instant communication between guards, management, and clients can be quite beneficial. This guarantees that any last-minute modifications are communicated to all relevant parties and that corrective action is performed.


Companies who have been operating with a “business as usual” approach are discovering the necessity of being able to adapt to uncertainty and fast changing situations the hard way. Security guard companies are accustomed to responding fast to situations. However, not all firms in the industry understand how to alter their processes in advance to respond to rapid changes.

It’s a given that illness will have an effect on your guards in some way. The irregular shift patterns that guards often work are not quite easy. The job tasks are such that security guards often choose to not show up for work. The ability to quickly alter one’s operation in the face of absences, no-shows, or unexpected changes in operations may provide a competitive edge to organizations that are prepared. We dive further into how employers can do that later.

Exercise Foresight

Few successfully predicted the importance and consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic. The ability to act quickly is critical for properly responding to this problem. When it comes to security guard companies, it’s critical to figure out how to pivot. This may include:

  • Looking for contracts in different industries
  • Choosing entirely new markets
  • Changing the way you operate at a fundamental level

In reality, High-tech security systems are developed not to compete with security industries as much as they’re developed to assist and improve security services that security companies can provide. They can help security guards within their jobs, while also providing the clients with exemplary services.

What’s the best way to manage security guards during this pandemic?

It was previously mentioned that there are great possibilities of no-shows with security guards due to sickness or other health issues caused by the pandemic. Moreover, it’s not easy for security companies to be able to find a replacement instantly given how stressful and uncertain the job is. For that reason, it is important that not only companies seek solutions to find a replacement, an issue which will be discussed later, but also ensure that the critical tasks that their client’s have requested for have been taken care of. This largely means that the client’s location is always secured. Consequently, a great, if not the best, way to tackle this issue would be  through ‘Guard Touring’.

Guard Touring: What is it and why is it important for the security industry?

Guard touring is the practice of documenting and verifying employees’ activities in order to assure a variety of things:

  • The correct areas of a site are monitored at the appropriate times
  • Pre-defined routines (or tours) are followed
  • Critical tasks, goals, or checks are all completed
  • And, most vitally, that the client’s location has been secured.

Guard touring is important because it’s difficult to see a security guard organization operating efficiently without it. Guard touring has some important benefits that are worth to be mentioned:

  • Reduces Administrative Burdens
  • Ensures Quality Due to Data Capture
  • Provides Peace of Mind to Clients
  • Fosters a Culture of Accountability

To understand more about the benefits of guard touring, read Celayix’s blog on ‘ The Importance of Guard Touring for Security Companies’.

Section 3: Potential challenges for the industry in 2024

Every job in the world comes with some risk and reward. For the security industry, the risks associated have a lot to do with the competition that the companies face and the resources that they have available to them. Let’s look into the potential challenges in store for security companies in North America in 2024.


The security industry is filled with competition. Companies must have measurements in place that not only create success but also help to avoid potential dangers. According to Statista, the North American security services business has increased by $14 billion from 2011- 2022 , indicating increased competitiveness. In today’s world, it appears evident that designating the area of security in which organizations operate is critical. Client loyalty is unlikely without a defined brand and a consistent mission.

Competition cannot be discussed without considering pricing and quality, both of which are critical factors in earning revenue. Quality and price can regularly coexist. It is vital to give clients good value for money. Due to the high degree of competition for security companies covering events, any lack of consistency and dependability in pricing and quality could leave companies empty-handed in an unforgiving industry.

The graph, acquired from statista, identifies a key point. A relatively very low number of security guards are hired directly by different industries, as more are hired through contractual agreements with security companies. Through such agreements, companies get cost-effective security guards that are already trained for the necessary job. Moreover, security companies, rather than the clients, face the legal responsibilities for the security guards as well as in finding replacements. This entails that the competition is generally industry-specific, and having a known brand name and/or large market share is essential to compete in the security industry. This brings out the next argument, and is closely in relation to the concept of competition: Managing Personnel efficiently.

Efficient management of Personnel

Personnel is power. Having the required personnel to accomplish business goals makes a company grow stronger and faster. However, efficient management of personnel, or security guards in this case, is important to become more competitive in the industry. Workforce management, especially in the security industry, is critical in this dynamic landscape that companies work in today.

Safety of security guards is the central issue of workforce management. The safety risks involved in the security industry bring up the question “Who’s protecting the protectors?”. Job hazards and safety concerns increase considerably at night. When there are fewer people and activities in public places, crimes such as theft, vandalism, and violence become more likely. Typically, security guards who work alone are the victims of such attacks. While most security guards are trained in self-defense, staying watchful throughout the shift is not always possible.

Working alone or with restrictive work schedules frequently increases the physical and psychological burden. When an employee is exposed to such an environment, stress and burnout are more likely to emerge. Unfortunately, self-defense weapons may not be adequate as tools or resources to address this issue. As a result, businesses in the security industry bear a larger responsibility to provide measures and benefits that reduce the load on security guards.

Employers, for example, frequently require security guards at locations where alcohol consumption is common. Fights, abuse, or violence of any kind are all risks associated with alcohol intake. As a result, security guards must maintain discipline and control over their surroundings in order to ensure that no third party is hurt, putting themselves in danger.

Pay in the Security Industry

There must be some way to control such a threat if your employer is not physically watching out for you. Unfortunately, because security guards are the last line of defense, there is no one to protect the protectors. This brings out another question, “Are Security Guards underpaid for the risks in the job they are required to take?”. A report by CTV news shared 2 key aspects that could answer this question for the Canadian Security Industry. To describe it briefly, the report stated:

  • The demand for Security Guards has massively increased as a result of the pandemic to help other frontline workers in hospitals and other public places. This requirement, however, requires guards to take additional risks and expose themselves to the virus.
  • Security guards are usually paid the minimum wage, which makes it unjustifiable for members of different unions to go for these jobs when the government is providing benefits or aids.

The situation is even more dampening and unclear in the United States where the average yearly wages of security guards is $21,254 less than the U.S national salary of $55,524. With an average salary of $34,270, the figure below shows some comparable jobs with similar salaries as security guards.

Specific challenges

Increased commercial activity in a range of economic sectors, as well as difficulties in hiring new employees, have created a set of challenges for security organizations and their clients in 2022. Based on Security magazine’s special report, there are certain ongoing challenges that the security industry is facing:

  • Security firms and their clients have had varied degrees of difficulty in maintaining constant staffing numbers. At the height of the epidemic, Boeing was obliged to reduce staffing as buildings were closed and workers worked from home, despite the fact that this meant losing good officers.
  • Keith Oringer, Principal at brokerage consulting firm Security ProAdvisors considers hiring to be “the worst in years”. Oringer attributes the labor shortage to a combination of increased unemployment benefits, an unwillingness of staff to interact with the public, the need for staff to stay home with children, reluctance to commute via public transportation, and higher wages in unskilled labor-intensive industries.

Section 4: Reasons for success and hope for the security industry in 2024

As mentioned earlier, there are risks and rewards associated with the security industry. The companies shown in the table below are just an example of how successful some of the largest security companies in North America are.

There is great hope for success for 2022 for the security industry. Below are some of the reasons:


One of the most important success factors for companies within the security industry is the vast demand for their work. The security sector and the entire world have been put under immense strain since the global epidemic of COVID-19 startled the world. Temperature checks and population counts have become regular operations. In these uncertain times, as the value of safety has grown, there has been a huge surge in demand for additional security services.

Despite the fact that demand is known to fluctuate, the event industry is always important. In a society when we crave sports and the latest cultural sensation, these events must be well-protected. Small and large events occur on a daily basis, with the majority of them taking place in urban areas. However, when there is a demand for security, there is increasing competition. If a security organization is trustworthy and dependable, they can be a prominent player in a market where their services are in great demand.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing is at the forefront of promoting a company’s services in today’s day and age. Having a marketing plan will emphasize the desire for continuing organizational growth. Also, having a well-thought-out strategy in place will effectively sell your service, attract prospective clientele, and allocate resources.

Having social media profiles, no matter how large or small the organization, is critical for increasing awareness of the services that are provided and establishing further involvement. Linkedin, for instance, is one of the most prominent social media platforms that can connect businesses to potential clients. This is in addition to having an active, SEO-optimized website to guarantee media attention. Marketing levels are highly dependent on the size of the firm and what they require. However, it is reasonable to argue that a company that markets more would garner a lot more attention.

Successful business moves made by security companies in 2021-23

  • Securitas has undertaken a multimillion-dollar investment in digital transformation to improve transparency and data-driven insights, as well as to expedite innovation in areas like solar-powered devices and remote reception.The company has evolved the role of officers to meet the needs of organizations that moved to remote or hybrid operations.
  • Some organizations lack the resources or on-site personnel to respond to incidents. They rely on outside service providers to fill the void. Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group has collaborated with Securitas to provide industry-wide purchasing power for its alarm response programme, which handles “the vast majority of our footprint,”.
  • According to Keith Oringer, Principal at brokerage consulting firm Security ProAdvisors, some guarding companies have seen increased demand to screen people entering facilities, allowing them to raise service prices above what they need to pay to retain staff, whereas those with fixed prices lack that flexibility. Well-managed businesses have embraced technology to improve recruitment, training, and supervision, as well as to enable remote monitoring and patrolling.
  • In the last 12 to 18 months, several businesses have discovered new value in their security personnel. Officers at Boeing, which works with Allied Universal, have created a “quasi-sense of normalcy” by greeting employees and customers calmly and professionally while distributing PPE and gently reminding them to wear it.

There are many more ways different companies have identified as possible solutions to combat the challenges addressed earlier. Security Magazine provides various such anecdotes in their reports, and is a reliable source to get such information.

Section 5: Security Industry & Celayix: Improving Workforce Management.

Any industry that’s thriving with a large labor force understands the importance of workforce management. Workforce management is a system designed to streamline the internal processes of a company and increase the productivity of employees. The main goal of workforce management is to get the most value out of employees and to gain important business insights. If there is anything the past 2 years has shown, it is the need for an effective workforce management system.

The pandemic has taken a huge toll on our current workforce, especially for employees whose jobs have been under scrutiny due to lockdowns. Looking back at challenges faced by security guards in sections 2 and 3, it is imperative that the security industry find and implement solutions to manage their workforce better. Celayix’s workforce management software hopes to provide security companies with a solution to all scheduling related issues at the touch of a button

How can Celayix Help?

Celayix has been providing software services to clients across different industries in North America for decades, helping them solve day-to-day scheduling issues. Companies that handle over a hundred employees often are the most advantageous to such services. Within the security industry, there have been massive strides made by security industries over the past 2 decades. However, their growth in size has also led to various workforce management problems, largely due to manual scheduling:

Celayix Employee Scheduling and Workforce Management software
  • Shifts are missed or double-booked
  • Schedule creation consumes too much staff time
  • Staff spend too much time on the phone making adjustments
  • Scheduling errors increase overtime costs
  • Managers get by with limited visibility on attendance
  • Employees are frustrated by inequitable scheduling
  • Staff enter the same data multiple times in scheduling, billing and payroll systems

Consequently, Celayix works closely with the security industry specifically to help solve such problems that are highly associated with security companies. With the help of automation in scheduling, Celayix can provide an automated workforce management system that can be called on for a wide range of needs:

  • Planning and tracking qualified security personnel
  • Printing auditable, up-to-the-minute coverage reports
  • Providing short notification management tools that ensure coverage while limiting overtime
  • Managing payroll to reduce errors and time spent on reconciliation
  • Reducing time spent maintaining the schedule, increasing time to manage the business

Security companies, as a result, have an important question to answer: Should we invest in Celayix’s Workforce management software?

The Importance of an Integrated Solution

Celayix’s Employee scheduling software has a lot to offer security firms. Reliable systems for recording and displaying real hours worked results in fewer inaccuracies. This means fewer time-related pay disputes. These tools relieve management of responsibility, increase cost efficiency, and reduce administrative costs. When the system can give on-demand audits of actual security presence, the value of the security company grows from the client’s standpoint.

Communication tools such as mobile apps and interactive phone portals go even further. Employees can obtain their schedule, obtain notes, and communicate their scheduling requirements during convenient non-work hours. Without management interference, the result is shared information regarding availability and increased staff buy-in.

Celayix helps security companies in identifying their software needs and provides software that is integrated to fulfill all scheduling related requirements. The most common requirements are including, but not limited to:

  1. Automatic overtime and double booking notification
  2. Qualifications tracking and enforcement
  3. Flexible, configurable views in the scheduling platform
  4. Audit trails of post coverage
  5. Easy-to-use interface
  6. Automated payroll data capture and cost forecasting
  7. Automated alerts and rule checking
  8. Ability to quickly adjust levels to reflect changes in demand
  9. Performance and complaints tracking
  10. Automation of routine communications
  11. Management-focused reporting
  12. Variance analysis tools
  13. Integration with external enterprise tools

As can be seen, we at Celayix go above and beyond to help solve any scheduling problems that exist. But guess what, that’s not all! Celayix can help companies reduce employee turnover and improve their growth.

Schedule Guards Efficiently

We notice that the most typical size of a security guard company is around 50 guards. Is 50 guards enough for a growing company? In reality, it is difficult to manage more than 50 employees. One reason is that when a security company has more than 50 employees, manual processes begin to generate issues. When working with a small team, spreadsheets can be used to schedule staff. However, if you want your security guard firm to expand, this is a short-sighted strategy.

Human error will become more common as there are too many rules and notes about employees to recall. Errors linked with overtime, payroll, and double-booking become more widespread and begin to impede operations. Aside from manual errors, the owner or scheduler may become weighed down by spending a significant amount of time scheduling their guards. When management has to waste time scheduling, there is less time to focus on growing the company and generating new business

Celayix helps Business Growth in the Security Industry

As your company grows, scheduling software becomes necessary. Scheduling, for example, can be completed in a matter of minutes utilizing our program. Scheduling tools such as shift bidding, self-scheduling, and AI-powered scheduling help you save time while scheduling. Celayix supports all of these features with a powerful rules-based scheduling engine that can filter security personnel based on qualifications or ability level.

AI-enabled software can assist you in optimizing your schedule to save money on manpower. Our AI engine at Celayix can automatically optimize your schedule and fill all shifts based on the rules you’ve set up. It ensures that your guards are covering all of the billable hours specified in your client’s contract. Celayix AI also includes automatic overtime management, which eliminates non-billable overtime hours.

Using software to schedule saves time and provides scalability as your company grows. No matter how many more people you end up recruiting, you have a scheduling method that will get you through the expansion.

Keep Guards Accountable and Happy

After securing a new client, one key concern is the deployment of guards at your client’s location. It’s difficult to keep guards honest. Some security guards do not show up or even lie about being at a client’s location. As a result, complaints are filed, and a client’s trust is diminished. No-shows, absences, and guard tardiness reflect negatively on your organization.

Workforce management software can help you keep all of your guards accountable and present. Celayix includes a few features that can assist with this. Our geofencing feature is a valuable tool for combating underhanded tactics used by guards to cheat their time clocks. Geofencing enables security guard firms to designate an area around the client site where the guard can sign in. For the sign-in feature to work, the guard must be within the area or “geofence.” A timestamp is recorded when a guard signs in or out of their shift. Geofencing ensures that your security officers are in the correct place at the right time. This ensures that the client is satisfied with the level of service they are receiving.

Turnover in the Security Industry

Another issue that security businesses face is a high rate of guard turnover. Because rosters are continuously changing, scheduling can be a difficult undertaking. Celayix provides a plethora of options that can assist in swiftly scheduling guards if one slips out. When a guard leaves and you need to find a replacement immediately, you have a few options: shift bidding, open shifts, and self-scheduling. Notify the new guard in charge of the shift using our notification system, and you’ll be able to observe how quickly a replacement can be identified using our software.

How does it make or keep guards happy? Well, turnover can only be resisted if the employees are truly happy in the work they do. As a result, there’s only very little that companies can do to keep guards happy. One of the ways here is by providing them flexibility in choosing their schedule.

Flexible Schedules and how the can help

The best step that employers can take to prevent turnover in security firms is to provide some level of flexibility. A lack of work-life balance is a contributing factor to turnover, and flexibility is an excellent approach to achieve it. Poor work-life balance, according to 68% of employees, has a negative impact on their morale and motivation at work. Of course, given the nature of the job, you can’t exactly enable guards to work from home, can you? That’s why flexibility in employee scheduling is key.

With staff scheduling software, security companies can provide flexible scheduling choices such as self-scheduling or shift bidding. In both cases, schedulers fill the schedule with the requisite number of shifts but do not assign an employee. Guards can choose shifts on a first-come, first-served basis with self-scheduling. Otherwise, shift bidding allows guards to “bid” on a shift by expressing interest, but the scheduler has the final say on who is assigned.

This will not only reduce turnover but will also improve absenteeism issues such as no-shows, late check-ins, and sick calls. When the guard chooses their shifts, they can plan their schedule around their personal life. Turnover and absenteeism are down, while morale and retention are up – win, win.

Pitch Better to Prospective Clients

When seeking new contracts and selling to prospective clients, your security firm must appear to be the finest alternative. Clients are more demanding than ever, and they want to know that your organization has the proper safeguards in place to protect them. Here are some ideas that can help you stand out from competitors by putting in place the necessary systems to ensure seamless business operations:

Better Data Reporting

Celayix has a number of features including break management, credential tracking, and labor forecasting that will give you better access to data insights that you can share with your client if needed. They may want to know specifics about your workforce, including qualifications, available staff, and so on. Celayix’s software can easily provide such data to a prospective client and can help their decision-making process.

Guard tracking and communication

As previously said, geofencing is a valuable technique for ensuring your guards are in the correct place at the right time. This demonstrates your company’s responsibility and dependability.

Good communication skills are always advantageous. The in-app communication feature of Celayix notifies you of no-shows and late guards as soon as they occur. You can also use the “Find Replacement” function to easily find a replacement at no cost to you or your client.

Business Optimization

Having an efficient back-end system allows you to manage your organization efficiently and affordably. Workforce management software (such as Celayix) minimizes labor costs and eliminates over time by efficiently scheduling guards. You can use the money you save to develop other aspects of your business. That also shows your client is getting good value from your services. They don’t have to worry about paying more for overtime and can have faith in their budget and contract.

Final Remark

Celayix Software is the industry leader in providing security companies best of breed staff scheduling solutions. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we understand the complications associated with ensuring your guards are at the right place, at the right time. As the needs of businesses in the Security Industry continue to grow and change, Celayix continues to grow with them. The industry insights we have discussed here are the driving forces behind the updates and improvements we make to the Celayix Platform.

Written by Nippun Arora

Written by Nippun Arora

Nippun is the Marketing Coordinator at Celayix, primarily creating content and email marketing. He has been working with them for over 3 years.

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All You Need to Know About Seasonal Unemployment

All You Need to Know About Seasonal Unemployment

Seasonal unemployment affects workers all across the United States and Canada in industries such as tourism and hospitality. There are steps that employers can take to minimise the impact on their workforce.