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Free Software for Public Safety Workers During COVID-19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we're happy to support our public safety workers by offering our workforce management software for free, for at least the next 3 months.

Celayix is doing our part to help out public safety workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re committed to helping those on the frontlines and are offering our software free of charge to organizations.

Is your organization dealing with complex rules surrounding union collective bargaining rights?

We have a solution for that.

Do you need to ensure a certain level of experience is held by someone on site?

We have a solution for that.

Does your scheduling involve rotations at different locations, different times, or variable tasks?

Yes, we have a solution for that, too!

Public Safety in the Era of COVID-19

Acknowledging Public Safety Workers

ambulance emt fire department and police badges

We see public safety workers all the time, but we often take them for granted. Those in public safety work in fields such as medical and health services, emergency services, and law enforcement. They are essential in keeping communities safe, healthy, and well-supplied. During this pandemic, public safety workers are on the front lines and are playing a crucial role during COVID-19.

Ultimately, we owe front-line workers a debt of gratitude.

covid-19 virus 3D image

Public Safety Software at No Cost

Celayix has realized that the way we can help is to provide our software platform to all industries involved in public safety, without any monthly fees, for at least the next three months. Setup fees may still apply during onboarding, so speak to a sales specialist to learn more. If your company, department, or government agency may benefit from our workforce management software, get in touch today by contacting one of our Solution Advisors here.

Taking Public Safety Seriously

The worldwide distribution of the COVID-19 virus led the World Health Organization (WHO) to designate it as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Since then, we’ve all witnessed massive changes, both on the global scale and on the personal.

Governments, businesses, and entire economies are shifting and reconfiguring themselves to cope with the sudden changes. This has put millions out of work, and left millions continuing to work with the risk of serious illness. It’s a challenging situation that is pushing discussions of public safety to the forefront.

North America is currently one of the hardest hit places for confirmed COVID-19 infections. As of the beginning of May, 2020, the USA has had over 1.1 million confirmed cases. That’s one third of the global total!

Different states have responded in different ways: issuing shelter in place orders, closing down non-essential businesses, and taking services online where possible. And while discussions of reopening states and lifting restrictions keep occurring, virtually all health agencies believe it’s unrealistic to expect anything to go back to ‘normal’ in 2020.

Graph of % of confirmed covid cases Geographically
Data from World Health Organization, May 2020

Now is the Time to Adapt & Automate

The current health crisis is putting scheduling practices to the test, and most software falls short. Celayix can guarantee a solution that is customized to your needs and can handle any scale of operation.

Scheduling is a notoriously challenging task at the best of times, and smaller companies with fewer than 50 employees may be able to get away with using manual options and doing things by hand. But companies and organizations with hundreds or thousands of employees absolutely need to automate scheduling processes if they haven’t already.

With how contagious COVID-19 is, it’s inevitable that people working in public safety will be needing more sick time as a result. When that happens, manual schedulers can’t provide any of the following:

And the more challenges crop up, the more difficult everyday operations become for schedulers. Unless they learn to adapt by using scheduling and workforce automation.

Understaffing, Overstaffing, Overtime & Sick Leave

Quote on Overstaffing Overtime and sick leave

There’s a common scenario: workers quit or are let go, and instead of filling their roles the business instead tries to make do with existing staff. This causes overtime to occur, which causes productivity to drop, which negatively affects morale. And in the end, the extra costs outweigh the onboarding and hiring costs of finding new staff. You can read about an interesting case study detailing exactly this process here if you want to learn more.

Believe it or not, understaffing often costs a business more than slightly overstaffing. There are numerous reasons why, including burnout, turnover, loss of productivity, overtime, and others. Fundamentally, what’s most important is to keep workers happy, healthy, and safe.

Maintaining appropriate staff levels while ensuring the correct qualifications and requirements are all met can’t be done in a complex work environment without automation. This is the only surefire way to keep morale high, reduce burnout, keep workers save, and save money by reducing or eliminating overtime.

It’s time to give your schedulers a break. Our employee scheduling software optimizes staffing levels, putting to rest any concerns about overtime and availability.

It’s Never Too Late

During a challenging time, it’s more important than ever to ensure workers do not have added stress on their plates – and that includes management. We’re aware that the current situation may make it seem more daunting to take on a new system, and we’re sensitive to that. Our customer support team is renowned for its responsiveness and attentiveness. We’re available 24/7 and are happy to help users get the most out of our software.

Protecting our public safety workers – our EMTs, our nurses and doctors, our police officers, and others – is one of the most important things we can do. We’ve taken that to heart and are offering our software for free to companies and organizations involved in public safety for the next three months because it’s the right thing to do.

If you’re in need of a complete, best-of-breed workforce management solution that takes care of every facet of your organization, look no further. We’ll be happy to walk you through all the ways in which we can lighten your load and make the current situation more bearable — just get in touch.

Thank you for the work that you do and for keeping us safe!

Written by Conor Bourke

Written by Conor Bourke

Conor is a Digital Marketing Coordinator at Celayix that focuses on PPC, social media and website management.

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