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Team Building Ideas for your Security Guards

It's crucial that your guards trust and know each other in order to be able to work together. It can be tough to come up with fun, engaging team-building ideas For your security guards! We’ve put together our favorites for you!

Do you own/manage a security company? Have you ever struggled with team-building ideas for your guards? An article published 10 years ago discussed and emphasized on the importance of building a great security team. They used the example of Caterpillar’s security organization. Caterpillar’s security organization follows a culture with ‘unshakeable devotion to teamwork’, providing 5 key team-building lessons for any security company. The 5 key lessons the company shared to revitalize the team and mitigate risks across the entire enterprise were:

  • Transitioning from internal focus to global focus. This meant revamping the company’s strategic vision and alignment with corporate objectives, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Having Crisis Management plans and disaster preparedness exercises runs to ensure preparedness for any disasters or crises. 
  • Emphasizing on the personal growth and development of the personnel while also training them on the principles of business decision-making.
  • Sharing and communicating general awareness concerning safety and security regularly to ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone. 
  • Facilitating open conversations, allowing other perspectives on the table for critical decisions. As well as helping employees feel more comfortable within the organization. 

Clearly, security companies like Caterpillar have strongly emphasized team building. So, thave succeeded by incorporating an inclusive culture within their organization. Employees spend 30-40 hours a week working and interacting with their coworkers. So, it seems that the trusting culture would automatically flourish. However, that’s not always true. You can’t operate successfully together if you don’t have reciprocity and team trust, no matter how brilliant, competent, or amazing your team members are. A team that is close-knit and has a high level of trust is also more productive. Below, we discuss the importance of team building. We also look at potential team-building ideas for your security officers as well as ways to prepare for these activities. 

Importance of Team Building

Why is it that nearly 75% of employees see teamwork and collaboration as essential? Team building activities are an excellent approach to boosting communication, morale, motivation, and production in strong teams. This aids workers or new teams in getting to know one another and learning about their respective strengths and shortcomings. Any organization, large or small, may employ team-building ideas and activities to foster better collaboration in the workplace. Great cooperation is one of the major characteristics linked with a company’s success. Most business owners and managers are aware of this. According to team building industry statistics, since COVID-19 hit, 2,500% more organizations have embraced a virtual team building method. Such methods taken by organizations to help build a healthy relationship within the workforce are likely to be much more crucial and beneficial within the security industry than anywhere else!

One of the major issues within the security industry that has persisted is the security guards’ health and safety. Through different categories of team-building activities, security officers are more likely to feel secure and collaborate.  The following are the four primary categories of team-building activities:

  • Activities involving communication
  • Activities involving problem-solving and decision-making
  • Adaptability and activity planning
  • Activities that foster trust

Team-Building Ideas

It’s important that the team-building ideas that are conducted follow at least one of the four categories mentioned. Another element that could certainly be important is that these activities should be engaging. Or, as most people would like to say…FUN!

There are dozens of team-building activities or games that security officers could potentially play over the weekend or during work retreats. Here’s our list of the most highly-suggested team-building activities.

Communication & Ice Breakers 

2 Truths and a Lie: Time Required – 15 to 30 minutes 

This game’s a classic in school, university, work or even at a party. Begin by having each team member privately write two facts and one lie about themselves on a piece of paper. Don’t tell anyone what you’ve written! Allow 10-15 minutes for open talk – similar to a cocktail party – where everyone probes each other on their three questions once everyone has finished this phase. The goal is to persuade others that your lie is true, while also attempting to guess other people’s truths/lies by asking them questions. Even if the bulk of the office already knows, don’t divulge your truths or lie to anybody!

Gather in a circle after the conversational period and, one by one, repeat each of your three claims. Then, ask the group to vote on which one they believe is the lie. This game may be played competitively, with points awarded for each lie you guess or for stumping other players with your own lie. This team-building idea not only encourages improved office communication but also allows you to get to know your coworkers better. 

Life Highlights Game: Time Required – 30 minutes

This is a fantastic icebreaker game that works well for both small and big groups. Begin by inviting each person to close their eyes for one minute and think about their favorite memories. This might include private or shared moments with family and friends, as well as professional accomplishments, personal insights, or thrilling life events. Inform the participants that their search is about to be narrowed once they have had a chance to reflect on their lives’ highlights. Ask each person to close their eyes and think about what 30 seconds of their life they would like to relive if they only had thirty seconds left to live.

The first portion of the game allows participants to reflect on their life. While the second element (which we’ll get to in a minute) allows them to get to know their coworkers better. The “review” phase of the game is the second part. The activity’s facilitator will ask each participant what their 30 seconds involved and why they picked it. This allows them to gain a sense of one another’s hobbies, affections, and personalities. 

These two team-building ideas can certainly help security officers feel more comfortable with each other, and can better complete the other team building activities.

Problem Solving 

The Great Egg Drop: Time Required – 2 hours

This dirty, yet traditional, problem-solving game involves dividing the room into two huge groups and constructing an egg package that can withstand an eight-foot drop. The teams should be given a variety of tools and other resources. Each team must also deliver a 30-second advertisement for their package after it has been constructed, outlining why it is unique and how it works. Each group will have to drop their egg using their package at the end of the presentations to test whether it works. It not only teaches the groups how to collaborate and communicate, but it also pulls them together with the shared goal of winning the egg drop and building a successful egg package.

Zoom: Time Required – 30 minutes 

A relatively shorter game than the first, the wordless picture book “Zoom” by Istvan Banyai is required for this creative problem-solving game. This book has 30 consecutive illustrations that form a narrative. Because it has been published in over 18 countries, the book should be pretty straightforward to locate. The images can even be laminated to extend their lifespan. Distribute one photo to each participant, ensuring that the sequence is kept consistent. Explain to the participants that they can only look at their own photos and that they must keep their photos hidden from other people.

Participants should be given time to study their photographs since each one has essential information that will aid them in solving the issue of arranging them in order. The ultimate aim is for everyone to put the photographs in the correct sequence without glancing at each other. Participants can converse with one another and discuss what is depicted in their image. This exercise not only brings coworkers together and gets them interacting with the shared aim of solving an issue, but it also gives leaders the opportunity to emerge and take command of the process.

These team building ideas can bring out the leadership skills out of security officers and help set an engaging environment full of constructive communication.

Adapting and Activity Planning

Minefield: Time Required – 30 minutes

Security guard in uniform speaking into walkie talkie

Place random objects or “mines” across the floor in an open area. Put the blindfold on one of the participants in each group of two. The other guy must guide his partner from one side of the room to the other without treading on anything. The person carrying out the execution can only offer verbal instructions, while the blinded individual is unable to talk at all. Hold a battle between 5-6 teams, and the team that gets to the finish line first without stepping on any of the “mines” wins. It’s an excellent team-building activity for fostering employee trust. Because one of the members is blind and unable to communicate, he or she must have complete trust and confidence in his or her partner.

Human Knot: Time Required: 30 minutes 

Divide employees into groups of 6-12 for a fun activity with a large group of people. Instruct them to form a circle with their backs to each other. Tell them to raise their right hand in the air and reach across the circle to grab someone’s hand. Then, have everyone put their left hand out and grasp someone’s hand from the circle. Set a timer for them and tell them they have 30 minutes to unravel the “knot.” The first one to unravel is the winner. The teams brainstorm new strategies to finish the assignment in the allotted time. This allows coworkers to plan their work in such a manner that they learn to complete tasks on time.

Such games can be the most fun but also be the most beneficial for security officers as they often have to make quick decisions 

Trust-building Activities

Frostbite: Time Required: 45 minutes 

Divide individuals into groups of 4-5 for a situation-based game. Explain to them that they are explorers who have become stranded in the Arctic Ocean and must construct a shelter in order to live. However, the team leader has frostbite and is unable to physically assist in the construction of the shelter. Snow blindness has infected the rest of the squad, so they must be blinded as well. The challenge is that teams must construct the shelter while blindfolded. Although the team leader is unable to engage physically, he or she must instruct the team orally in the construction of the tent. The one who completes the shelter first wins.

The winning team will be able to do it only if they have total trust in their team leader. In the workplace, teams must learn to trust and follow their leader’s decisions. It aids the person in charge of leading in directing individuals with authority. They can only do so if they can gain the trust and confidence of their teams. Furthermore, because this game is strongly reliant on communication, the leader will learn to command the teams with accuracy and clarity.

Why this game is great for security guards!guard satisfaction

This game is highly suggested to security officers that want to strengthen communication or their leadership skills. Simply said, the better the team is, the more employees trust one another. It’s a lot simpler to collaborate with someone if you know they’ll do their part and do their weight. Employees are also more likely to provide help or cover for a coworker if they believe the favor will be returned when needed.

However, trust isn’t always simple to come by. It takes time to build enduring ties, regardless of how clever or competent your staff are – it’s not something you can just order them to have. Trust-building exercises are an excellent approach to assist teams in forming high levels of trust, which will result in them being more productive. According to statistics supporting team building, an employee’s ability to cooperate with their peers has an impact on their career longevity. If they don’t feel they can contribute, one out of every three employees will look for another job.


There is a strong desire among employees, both locally and worldwide, to be more connected and collaborate. Companies who have recognized this and taken action have seen what can be accomplished when employees are engaged and involved. We are certainly going toward a distant future, and COVID-19’s arrival shows that there is no better moment than now to bring people together and develop constructive connections. Statistics on team building ideas provide a clear image of what a company’s engagement goals should be and what security officers desperately seek.

Written by Chloe Driver

Written by Chloe Driver

Chloe is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Celayix, focusing on content strategy and website management. She has been working with Celayix for over 3 years and learned a lot about SEO and Website Development in that time.

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