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The Benefits of Flexible Scheduling

Providing flexible schedules to your employees does not just provide an array of benefits for them but it also positively impacts employers too! Have a look at our infographic below where we run through the benefits of flexible scheduling for both employers and employees and their main steps for implementation.

As a leading workforce management solutions provider, we know how important keeping your employees happy and engaged is. Flexible scheduling allows employees to choose their work hours, giving them the freedom to balance their work and personal life. In recent years, flexible scheduling has gained popularity due to the numerous benefits it offers to both employees and employers.

In the infographic below you can learn the benefits of flexible scheduling for employers and employees and the main steps needed to implement it in your organization.

flexible scheduling infographic

Celayix empowers your employees to choose the shifts that they want to work during the week through our shift bidding feature. This eliminates the time it takes the employer to assign the right employee for a shift while simultaneously allowing employees to work the hours they want to. It’s a win-win! Let Celayix do all of the heavy lifting for you! Get in touch with a Solution Advisor and see how Celayix can help your organization.

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